Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Perfect Springtime Wreath

I love Spring. It's new life, birds singing, & trees flowering. It's soft, yet subtly bright coloring in everything that you see. It's peaceful and lush. This was the inspiration for today's DIY. The following are suggested materials. You can be as creative as you want to be when choosing your foliage. If you find that you are overwhelmed, try choosing a general color scheme, then pick flowers & fillers that match accordingly. I went with yellows, soft pinks, whites, & bright greens. Remember that Summer is for bright, colorful flowers. Spring is more for soft colors in combination with bright green foliage....well, in my opinion at least :)
All flower bouquets purchased at Michael's
Next is cutting & placement. For each stem cut 2 inches down using wire cutters. Doing this will allow the stem to fit snuggly within the grapevine wreath. I arranged the flowers in a particular pattern so that no two of the same flowers are next to each other. Doing this allows the colors, textures, & types to contrast and accentuate each other so that each color pops more. I place the flowers around the entire wreath FIRST, then I glued each piece SECOND, then I filled in spars areas with foliage LAST.
A fourth of the way placed

Fully placed, not yet glued

Place glue at the base
 And finished!
Close up:

 How gorgeous & easy is that?! This piece is so versatile. It's perfect for any room/space that desperately needs some life & light - an instant room face lift :)

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