Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Geranium-Inspired Summer Wreath Tutorial

Summer is here in full force & that means it's time to update your seasonal entryway wreath! For me, the warmer the temperature gets from Spring to Summer, the more my seasonal decor transitions from cool to warm undertones. As stated in my Hydrangea Wreath Tutorial, artificial summer flowers can sometimes be hard to work with. Most of the ones in various crafting stores are too saturated. To me, that actually makes it look too fake & can come off a bit tacky if not styled properly. So I focused on subtle pops of warm colors in combination with neutral undertones throughout to avoid this dilemma. 

You will need the following materials:
Grapevine wreath
Wire cutters
High-temp glue gun
Flowers of course
All purchased at Michael's Craft Store
Simply take each flower & start trimming. Leave 1/2 an inch to 1 inch of stem so that you can insert each piece within the grapevine securely. Next is placement. I tend to go clockwise in a pattern when placing the flowers, which you can tell in the images below. It makes it more fluid & put together. 

Once you have filled your wreath, go back & fill in addition spares areas. This will make your wreath look more full & lush. It will also give the illusion of a bigger wreath. From here, glue each piece at the top-base of each stem & you are done!

Close-ups for more detail:
I hope you enjoyed this first official tutorial for the Summer season! It's the perfect, bright pop of Summer color to add inside or outside your home :)

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