Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Super Easy & Inexpensive Last Minute DIY Gifts for Mother's Day

I don't know about you, but I seriously struggle to find a gift that's perfect for my mom. I think I feel this way because no matter what I come up with, it just seems impersonal, cold, & materialistic. There are only so many watches, necklaces, earrings, perfumes, makeup gift sets, lotions, face creams, & comfy pajamas with slippers to match I can give to her before it starts to get old - it just doesn't come from the heart.

However, there's no disputing a mother's sacred love & appreciation for her children's keepsakes. My mother has kept every single project & craft (even arbitrary things like homework assignments...I know I'm not the only one!!!) I ever made tucked away in a special place. She hangs onto these as a memory of that little girl she sacrificed her own needs, goals & desires for. Those are true gifts to a mother's heart that she'll never want to let go of.

So this year, why not try something a little different and make your mom something for Mother's Day. What mother doesn't love anything craft/decor related?! ;) The following are links to my DIY tutorials that are all very easy & quick to make, super inexpensive, & nothing short of classic :) Enjoy! And Happy Mother's Day!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Craft Beer-Inspired Spring Wreath Tutorial

Like any self-respecting Coloradoan, I am a full-fledged beer enthusiast. My husband & I love going to breweries, especially during the Spring & Summer months after a long day of hiking or fishing. We even brew our own beer...well, Grant does. I mostly just sit there & enjoy those amazing mash-boil aromas ;) So the inspiration behind today's tutorial was an inevitable one. Within the past 2 years as the craft brewery industry has exploded, I began to notice that craft stores were starting to carry variations of hop plants - a key ingredient in most if not all beers. The second I saw one I knew I had to incorporate it into some type of decor for my home. I mean, what could encompass my personality/interests more than combining my love for crafting with beer?? Needless to say this tutorial has been years in the making & I'm excited to show you what I've come up with. In fact, so excited that I actually filmed a tutorial on this & put it on my new YouTube Channel!!! I will insert the video here >>
You have the option of either watching the tutorial in a video format, or reading through it here on my blog. Lets get started! You will need the following materials:
Flowers purchased at Michael's. All were 40%-60% off IN ADDITION TO a 20% off everything including sale item coupon. WINNING!!!
 You know the drill - simply take each flower & start trimming. Leave 1/2 an inch to 1 inch of stem so that you can insert each piece within the grapevine securely.

Next is placement. I tend to go in a pattern when placing the flowers, which you can tell in the image below. It makes it more fluid & put together.

Once you have filled your wreath, go back & fill in addition spares areas. This will make your wreath look more full & lush. It will also give the illusion of a bigger wreath.
With spares areas
Spares areas filled in
From here, glue each piece at the top-base of each stem & you are done! Here are some close-ups for more detail:

 I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial! It's the perfect amount of soft, subtle color to add inside or outside your home! Please subscribe & check out my Youtube video on this tutorial - - Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Friday, April 10, 2015

How-To: Framed Antique Skeleton Keys

Antiques breathe life into me. Looking at anything antique just makes my soul happy. From place to place, it has felt & experienced many things - seasons of being well-loved, then abandoned, but then loved again...where ever it has gone, it's been that fly on the wall forever learning secrets & gaining wisdom. It has lived a full life and there seems to be no end in sight - if only we can be so lucky.

You will need the following materials:
Shadow Box - Set of 3 $4.99 (Full Price $9.99) - Michael's here.
Antique Keys (came with 6 keys) - $6.99 - Marshall's; similar here.
Scrapbook Paper - $0.69 - Michael's
Cardboard paper or cardstock
Tape, scissors, low temperature glue gun

Take the backing from the shadow box and outline your scrapbook paper to fit this.

Do the same with the cardboard paper.

Tape the scrapbook paper to the cardboard paper. Doing this will keep the backing of the shadowbox from being damaged by tape & glue.

Take your key & place the glue as shown:

Secure to the scrapbook paper, place into the frame, and you are done! 

You can also do this with a regular frame. Just remove the glass & done! I got this one from the Dollar Tree :)

If you feel like some areas of your home are lacking that little something, this project is perfect! I love this project because it is so customizable, inexpensive, and not time-consuming at all. There are so many frames & keys to choose from, and you can place it in a variety of different ways.

Monday, April 6, 2015

~Cottage Inspired~ DIY Lilac Flower Pot - Super Easy & UNDER $7

I have yet to encounter a single person who doesn't find comfort in the color lilac. It's the perfect soft purple - the quintessential hue to usher in the Spring season. It's fresh, clean, & comforting. This is the inspriation behind today's featured Spring tutorial - It will only cost you one trip to Michael's & NO MORE THAN $7** and 10 minutes of your time! Lets begin, shall we? You will need the following materials:
** I either purchased these items on sale or with a coupon >> Metal Bucket $1.79 (Full Price $2.99); Lilacs $1.99 (Full Price $3.99); Grass Topper: $2.99 (Full Price $4.99)
This step is optional - Place something with a little weight to the bottom of the bucket. This ensures that it isn't too top-heavy.
Using a blade, cut the foam to fit snuggly into the metal bucket.

Trim the grass topper to cover & fit the top of the bucket. Optional: secure it to the foam with a glue gun.
Cover any gaps with leftover pieces of grass

With your wire cutters, trim 5 lilac stems from the bouquet. Be sure to include the leaves as they add dimension & texture to the finished product.

Simply insert the stems into the foam to your desired height & spacing and you are finished!

This piece brings brings light & life into any room. In the kitchen....

 ...On a windowsill...

 ...Or atop a shelf!

Customize this to your liking by using different stemmed flowers to fit the interior themes of your home. I hope you enjoyed!