Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Super Easy & Inexpensive Last Minute DIY Gifts for Mother's Day

I don't know about you, but I seriously struggle to find a gift that's perfect for my mom. I think I feel this way because no matter what I come up with, it just seems impersonal, cold, & materialistic. There are only so many watches, necklaces, earrings, perfumes, makeup gift sets, lotions, face creams, & comfy pajamas with slippers to match I can give to her before it starts to get old - it just doesn't come from the heart.

However, there's no disputing a mother's sacred love & appreciation for her children's keepsakes. My mother has kept every single project & craft (even arbitrary things like homework assignments...I know I'm not the only one!!!) I ever made tucked away in a special place. She hangs onto these as a memory of that little girl she sacrificed her own needs, goals & desires for. Those are true gifts to a mother's heart that she'll never want to let go of.

So this year, why not try something a little different and make your mom something for Mother's Day. What mother doesn't love anything craft/decor related?! ;) The following are links to my DIY tutorials that are all very easy & quick to make, super inexpensive, & nothing short of classic :) Enjoy! And Happy Mother's Day!!

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